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What is the best way to keep your Heart Healthy

what is the best way to keep your heart healthy

Dhak, Dhak; Yes, this heartbeat is the proof of human life. If it stops, then the human being also burns in the dust. In the human body, heart, and brain, these two organs are considered to be the most important. 

Keeping the mind healthy keeps the body strong. Below are some heart care tips that are the culmination of hundreds of years of expert research and experience.

Avoid Cigarette Smoke

American doctors have found that men and women who are exposed to cigarette smoke for 30 minutes three times a week have a 26 percent increased risk of heart disease. Don't even sit in a cigarette-smoked environment.

Resetting the heartbeat

Doctors say that reading books, playing cricket, or doing things that increase the heart rate are good for heart health.

In fact, whenever the heart beats faster, it is like resetting the heartbeat. In this way, the performance of the heart improves.

Don't exercise in the dust. Exercising in a polluted environment reduces the oxygen in the blood.

Take a dip in the pool

British experts have discovered that men who burn even fifty calories from intense physical activity such as swimming or hiking reduce the risk of heart disease by 62%.

Compare cholesterol with fruit In an experiment, Australian experts fed nuts to 17 men who weighed for three months. When they were examined in the fourth month, men and women were found to have three to five percent lower cholesterol. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fats.

Get rid of depression by cycling

Medical science has discovered that people who are depressed are more likely to develop heart disease sooner than others.

Many men try to get rid of depression by taking weight-loss drugs. Modern research has revealed that one of the best ways to get rid of depression is to do any exercise such as cycling or playing badminton.

Twenty minutes of meditation

a day for people with heart disease, especially for just twenty minutes a day to meditate. This spiritual practice relieves anxiety and rest.

Buy a punching bag

Researchers at Harvard University have found that men who lose weight are less likely to suffer from heart disease, while suppressed anger can lead to heart failure.

Foods That Strengthen The

Heart Mortality from heart disease is on the rise worldwide. By changing diet and exercising regularly, heart disease can be kept healthy and many diseases can be prevented.

After years of research, experts have found these ingredients to be very useful for the heart.


Garlic contains many vitamins and antioxidants that are good for the heart. Allicin in garlic not only keeps the heart strong but also helps in controlling cholesterol and high blood pressure. A new discovery has been made about garlic. It also prevents many types of cancer and cellular breakdown.

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Tomatoes contain a powerful antioxidant, lycopene. It prevents heart disease, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also protects cells from damage and breakdown. According to doctors, the lycopene present in tomatoes improves the body.

 To absorb it, use it by softening it a little in olive oil. Experts recommend eating three tomatoes every day and it's very good effects appear in just six weeks.


Cinnamon does not raise blood sugar levels. It lowers cholesterol and not only lowers blood pressure but also protects against cancer and Alzheimer's.

Green Tea

Green tea or green tea has many benefits. The important thing is that it keeps the cells on the lining of the veins and arteries in good condition.

This tea is widely consumed in Japan and research has shown that regular consumption of green tea protects 31% of women and 22% of men in Japan from heart disease.


Grapefruit is called grapefruit, the juice of which is rich in fiber, vitamin C, choline and lycopene. Grapefruit contains a fiber called pectin which keeps the heart and arteries healthy

Depression is a deadly disease

depression is a deadly disease

Such news and letters pass before our eyes every day, but we bury these letters with these frustrated mates in the guise of failing an exam, breaking a heart in love, and suffering from unemployment. And after that, our society is full of the complex examination system and corruption and recommendation, which is always forced by our parents.

Thus we can never mention the disease which is called "Depression". G. Depression! This is the same disease for which the words "drama and acting" are released on our tongue as soon as we hear the symptoms. "Look" and even if diagnosed, it is considered "madness".

The resulting personal decline is treated as a sign of "no trauma" and suicide as a sign of "weak nerves" and the rest of the children are encouraged to abstain from movies and dramas.

Depression has different definitions and identities in every home. If it happens to the son, it is considered to scare the parents with emotional blackmail and if it happens to the daughter-in-law, it is considered as "drama taught by the mother".

If it happens to the parents, it is considered as "old age". Stigma is an "excuse" for an employee to avoid work. Our society suffers from a lack of knowledge and health knowledge.

Where even today diabetes is treated with honey and hepatitis is treated with pigeons. It is as difficult to catch and control a complex disease as depression as it is to explain to the public that like sugar and blood pressure, Diabetes is a disease.

Just as diabetes causes the human body to stop making insulin, so too depression depresses the balance of many chemicals in the human brain called "neurotransmitters".

Just as there are symptoms of diabetes such as "feeling very thirsty, losing weight, urinating a lot", there are also nine symptoms of depression which are:

1. Not feeling happy in any work.
 2. Feeling frustrated.
 3. Not getting enough sleep.
4. Not feeling hungry.
 5. Not meeting eyes while speaking or speaking too fast which shows anxiety.
 6. Tired body all the time. To feel
7. Suffering from the illusion about my caste that I am a failed person and my family is facing disgrace because of me. 8. Not being interested in any work. 9. Thinking of suicide.

If four of these symptoms are present most days of the week and make a difference in a person's life and daily activities, then you have no vision, no magic, no illusion, or any drama, but you have fallen victim to this disease.

It is called "Depression" and is treatable, for which you need a doctor, a psychologist, not the advice of a father's talisman, a yogi's swelling and an aunt's "I also had a daughter-in-law". Just as sugar is controlled by insulin, depression is controlled by "breeding and medicine."

Most antidepressant medications begin to work after at least six months, so if you don't get an immediate result, remember to tell your doctor before you call the medicine  Just as if diabetes is not controlled, kidneys can fail and legs can be amputated, and if depression is not treated properly, a person can become so frustrated that he hangs himself on a trap and drinks some acid.

 Can jump off a roof and cut the thread of his life According to an aid statistic, every year more than three hundred people in Pakistan commit suicide due to depression, but the cruelty is that even a domestic worker in sugar Knows.

Sahib jihad diabetes so his leg was amputated" but in this disease, no one in Allah knows that the suicide that took place was a quarrel with his wife, failure in the exam, in a tutu with the boss. And not because of failure in love, but never diagnosed with undiagnosed depression.

According to a survey, depression is found in 35% of the people in Pakistan, the majority of whom are women and less educated people. Family attitudes, social restrictions, low education, lack of financial resources, and the growing extremism around them are the factors that lead to this spontaneous disease and then just need a hit like the last nail in the coffin.

This leads to the death of the patient suffering from depression and this hit can be anything like a failure in an exam, dismissal from the job, and infidelity of the beloved, which is very ordinary and every day for a normal healthy person. ۔

Especially in women, immediately after the birth of a child, there may be a period of depression called "postpartum depression" in which she starts crying and sometimes becomes irritable and does not take proper care of the child.

This is due to a change in the hormones produced in the body immediately after birth which heals in four to five weeks but in the meanwhile instead of saying "bad temper and drama," it needs treatment and counseling which I often do not see well-educated and high-class families.

One of the reasons why this disease is not considered a disease is that unlike diabetes and TB, no blood test for this disease is an X-ray, but only a specialist interview based on the symptoms. According to a survey.

 Just one out of every ten thousand patients with depression in Pakistan goes to a psychiatrist for a diagnosis, while the remaining nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people either express it for fear of being called a drama and an excuse. If they can't do it or even do it, they just look for advice from a Baba: Jogi: Maulvi Sahib or the most experienced woman in the family.

It is a different matter that when he commits suicide due to this disease and goes to the brink of death, it is Maulvi Sahib and Aunty who go to their own affairs by giving a fatwa that this death is haraam. Left behind are the paper letters left by the deceased, which are used by the family for the rest of their lives due to the mistake of misinterpreting their mental illness as acting, sight, and excuse.


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I have also often seen that in this case, just by advising five times of prayer and supplication, the matter is put to an end and the disease is associated with Islamism by declaring it to be mere hopelessness. Depression can't happen.

 ”Just as a lack of insulin in a Muslim body can lead to a heart attack due to high blood sugar and cholesterol, so too can a Muslim suffer from depression due to a chemical imbalance in the body.

Why does this society run to the hospital in case of a heart attack? Why does it not go to the mosque? Why does it not end its talk by teaching five times prayer and recitation of the Qur'an as it does in depression? Those who teach Zikr and Dua should know that “there is a difference between despair and depression. Depression is a whole disease of which the only one of the nine symptoms is despair.

Just as diabetes requires insulin along with prayer, so this disease requires medicine along with prayer and remembrance.

Remember that not every mental illness, including depression, is insane, but a disease like diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. It is treatable and can be used to treat a person's job: relationships: emotions and lives.

There are many free clinics in the country for this purpose. Explain everywhere that depression is a treatable disease.

 If a patient is diagnosed prematurely and his life is saved by preventing him from committing suicide, then it will be mercy on the whole of humanity, not just one human being because the Qur'an says: He saved lives, he saved the lives of all humanity.

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